Independent Contact Center Consultants: Bridging Strategy, Technology and Operations Since 2004

Posts Categorized: Implementation

Set Yourself Up for Ongoing Success

When you want to implement new contact center technology capabilities – not just “lift and shift” your existing way of doing things – it takes time to design, configure, integrate, test, and roll them into production. You may also consider a phased or “MVP” (Minimum Viable Product) implementation. This post provides a list of best… Read More »

Bots are Getting Traction: Make Sure Customers Love Yours!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Bots are no longer just market hype. They are real, and clients are planning for, and implementing, them. They hold the promise of “deflecting” volume through self-service as well as improving user interfaces that boost authentication and optimize routing. If you take off your contact center hat and wear your “customer… Read More »

Cloud-based Contact Center Technology Implementation Support

Cloud-based contact center technology is a boon for today’s centers. It provides access to the latest features and functions with increased flexibility and decreased IT burden. Attractive economics and the promise of a speedy implementation provide strong inducements for decision makers. And yet, it still takes careful planning and intentional design for the technology and… Read More »

The Dos and Don’ts of Project Execution and Functionality

Contact center management labors under constant pressure to do more with less… FASTER! The latter often results in hurried technology implementations that fall short of the benefits the center hoped to realize. The following tables summarize the dos and don’ts of project execution and functionality deliver positive results. Project Execution Don’t: Do: Business Impact Launch… Read More »

Project Management Is Not Enough for Implementation

We’ve been on our soapbox for years to encourage organizations to adopt the 3 Ms of implementation – Project, Change, and Vendor Management. Project Management (PM) focuses on the tasks associated with an implementation – planning, executing, and completing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet business objectives. Change management (CM)… Read More »

The Secrets to Technology Success

Too often, the pursuit of technology is driven by speed and constrained by resources. Experience shows this to be a bad combination.Technology success demands careful implementation planning as well as effective technology monitoring and support. Implementation and Testing Getting implementation right takes time, well-structured plans, and commitment from the contact center, IT, vendors and/or their partners…. Read More »

HELP WANTED… to deliver contact center technology value

Maxed out. That’s how we find many contact center leaders and their IT counterparts. Too much to do, not enough time to do it, and the urgent always trumping the important. Sound familiar? Most centers find ways to attend to their technologies’ daily demands, some of which are routine (e.g., run reports, build schedules) and… Read More »

Get Set for Success on Technology Implementation

Momentum and excitement builds around new contact center technology as you make a vendor and product selection and set forth on your journey with exciting possibilities ahead. Unfortunately, a variety of implementation challenges can arise that knock the wind out of your sails. To optimize results, invest the time up front to plan and prepare…. Read More »

Put the Right Resources to Work on Your Technology

Technology is so easy to blame. For what? For not meeting metrics, keeping costs under control, delivering great service, driving enough revenue? The list goes on. Center leadership, staff, and support team members often exclaim, “If we only had …!” as they point at technology as the culprit. They don’t have what they need, don’t… Read More »

Contact Center Technology: Beyond the “Bells and Whistles”

Contact centers can’t function without technology. They rely on a sophisticated collection of tools to enable the operational strategy that achieves business goals and meets customer needs. And given the wide spectrum of tools and sourcing options, it’s no surprise that lots of folks write about it. There’s a lot to say! But there’s a… Read More »