Independent Contact Center Consultants: Bridging Strategy, Technology and Operations Since 2004

Posts Categorized: Technology

What Can Contact Center Technology Do for You?

The “state-of-the-market” is exciting; make thoughtful decisions to reap the rewards I bet you are interested in the “state-of-the-market” of contact center technology and eager to see what it can do for your center. You may probe vendor websites or attend webinars to get a handle on what’s new and interesting. You may read analyst… Read More »

Is AI on Your Radar in 2024?

I’ve been asked by Contact Center Pipeline to lend my voice to an article on contact center trends for 2024. I wouldn’t dare write about it without talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI). But here’s the $64,000 question: Will it be the breakthrough that contact centers are hoping for, or another technology that falls short of… Read More »

Bots are Getting Traction: Make Sure Customers Love Yours!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Bots are no longer just market hype. They are real, and clients are planning for, and implementing, them. They hold the promise of “deflecting” volume through self-service as well as improving user interfaces that boost authentication and optimize routing. If you take off your contact center hat and wear your “customer… Read More »

How to Respond to Visionary Ideas

Executives regularly ask contact center and IT leaders to explore (or pursue) technologies that could benefit their organizations. Here are the ideas that we hear on countless projects. Bots Everybody thinks if only they had a bot, it would deflect loads of calls, chats, or text messages and solve many of the center’s problems. Numerous… Read More »

Surveys Highlight CC Opportunities

We have the privilege of working with contact centers of many sizes, across a wide range of industries. They all have a few things in common: they want to deliver a great customer experience, meet their target metrics, operate efficiently and effectively, and use technology to their advantage. Credit unions are a bit unique in… Read More »

Make 2020 the Year of the Agent

For the past several years, everyone has been focusing on the customer experience. Delivering a good – if not great – customer journey is crucial for building or retaining market share. Customers expect to be treated well at every point of contact. So, it’s no surprise that the customer experience has emerged as a key… Read More »

Top 12 Action Items for Contact Center Technology Success

Despite all the excitement around contact center technology capabilities and innovation, many centers continue to fall short when it comes to getting value from their investments. Our recent Future of the Contact Center Survey showed that skepticism continues to lurk out there for new technology, such as bots and Artificial Intelligence. I’m not surprised. When… Read More »

Plan for Virtual Assistants

There is a great deal of buzz in the contact center air about “bots” and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and their potential to make agent-supported contacts go away. Yet for many centers, agent-handled contacts still dominate – and will for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, our Future of the CC Survey put Robotic Process Automation (RPA –… Read More »

Will AI Impact the Contact Center?

We embarked on a fun little survey this spring to gather input on the future of the contact center. Because AI is a hot topic, we focused particular attention on this widely hyped enabling technology. We asked people to weigh in on what impact they think AI will have on contact centers in the next… Read More »

How Does AI Work?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is breaking the hype meter in the contact center industry. While it’s only in the early adopter stages, it appears to be grabbing the attention of contact center technology sellers and buyers. With all the confusion such enthusiasm creates, it seemed a little primer is in order. AI processes and interprets large… Read More »