Independent Contact Center Consultants: Bridging Strategy, Technology and Operations Since 2004

The Dos and Don’ts of Project Execution and Functionality

Contact center management labors under constant pressure to do more with less… FASTER! The latter often results in hurried technology implementations that fall short of the benefits the center hoped to realize.

The following tables summarize the dos and don’ts of project execution and functionality deliver positive results.

Project Execution

Don’t: Do: Business Impact
Launch during peak season Launch outside of peak to allow issues to be resolved prior to peak; if implementation milestones are missed, alter plans (e.g., change phasing, delay implementation) Better project outcome overall

Employee engagement and retention (and health, and sanity, and…!)

Require center leadership and support to implement while doing their “day jobs” Dedicate project resources, with specific involvement and checkpoints with center staff Project success along with ongoing operations success

Employee engagement and retention (and health, and sanity, and…!)

Assume success Pilot (if appropriate) and test

Define phasing

Adjust based on outcomes

Consider a back-out plan

Minimum interruption and impact if something fails
Assume vendor’s testing is adequate Conduct thorough testing (e.g., call flows, dial plans, network, integration) Better project outcome

Minimum corrective action required after go-live

Assume the vendor/partner “owns” all services Understand any third-party roles, integration between the parties, and who is responsible for what Clear delineation of responsibility with SLAs and enforcement

Avoid finger pointing during trouble resolution

Project Execution

Don’t: Do: Business Impact
Replicate old menus, skills and routing Redesign all menus, including scripting and structure/flow

Redesign (and often, simplify) skills and routing

Better customer experience

Shorter handle times

Less misrouting and transfers

Ask vendor if they support a channel (e.g., chat, text) but never turn it on! Incorporate new channels into project planning, with a pilot where appropriate

Define processes, knowledge content, standard responses, etc.

Define where, when and how the channel is offered to customers

Enhanced customer experience through channel choice

Employee engagement and retention

Recreate all old reports in new system Take a fresh look and define a new metrics and reporting strategy to focus on the right goals Improved customer service

Better performance on targeted KPIs

Better decisions based on accurate, trusted data

Recreate old QM form in Excel Revisit QM process and forms, taking a “fresh” look at all elements Better quality

Employee engagement and retention

Continue to forecast through tool/process only one person understands Assess if WFM can meet forecast needs and use it if possible (and if not, formalize the process and document)

Cross train on tools

Greater accuracy and/or trust of results

Reduced risk

Buy analytics tool(s) and assign to someone to use “in their spare time” Assess roles and individual skills in support functions and assign specific analyst duties or create new role All the outcomes expected of such a tool – e.g., improved performance, cost savings, product/marketing insights, etc.
Pop screens but keep same old processes for greeting, ID&V Modify greetings and Identification and Verification processes based on matched data and security needs Better customer experience

Shorter handle times

Reduced fraud risk

Employee engagement

We wrote an article on this topic in this month’s Contact Center Pipeline. Download your copy now »