Independent Contact Center Consultants: Bridging Strategy, Technology and Operations Since 2004

Posts By: Maren Symonds

Lori Bocklund Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award

The team at Strategic Contact, Inc. is pleased to share the news that Lori Bocklund received the ICMI Lifetime Achievement Award at ICMI’s Global Contact Center Awards ceremony on May 4, 2015. Brad Cleveland, Senior Advisor and Past CEO/President of ICMI, shared the following remarks prior to recognizing Lori for her stellar contribution to the… Read More »

Use Social Media to Empower Customers and Employees to Help Themselves

In the traditional model of customer support, the contact center and the company’s array of self-service venues are the central means through which customers ask questions, obtain information, provide feedback, and/or resolve issues. This model assumes that the company has the “sharpest knives in the drawer” in anticipating customer needs/concerns and providing responses. Social media… Read More »

Let Wikis Break Barriers to Knowledge Sharing

Take a tour around a typical contact center, and you’ll likely see a cornucopia of resources that customer service representatives use to respond to caller needs. Along with the usual complement of software applications, they’ll have loose-leaf binders, a few typed and handwritten notes, assorted “yellow stickies,” and personalized lists of subject matter experts. Knowledge… Read More »

Use Social Media Monitoring to Listen to the Voice of Your Customers

Your customers and prospects have always shared experiences and opinions concerning products and services with family, friends, and acquaintances. They rely on one another when making informed decisions about new purchases or when dealing with particularly troublesome issues – if only to have shoulders to cry on. In the Age of Collaboration, this communications channel… Read More »

Does Social Networking Belong in the Contact Center?

Does your inbox fill with invitations to webinars on social networking? Mine sure does. Everyone seems to be talking about it. Why? Americans spend nearly a quarter of their time online on social networking sites and blogs, up from 15.8 percent just a year ago. (Source: Nielsen) Facebook boasts 500 million users and reportedly is… Read More »