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Contact Center Reporting

Almost without exception, our clients express frustration with their contact center reporting. Important data located in various applications and strategic information requests drive the need to export data into warehouses and spreadsheets to meet business needs. But in doing so, the value of contact center technology reporting applications is lost.

It’s time to get back to the basics of reporting and rekindle the value of reports that are an inherent part of critical applications, such as routing, quality monitoring, and workforce management.

To renew focus on application reporting, every contact center needs a metrics strategy that reveals the value of the reporting from each application as well as specific gaps that need to be filled by an alternate approach. Here’s a path to achieving your reporting goals:

contact center metrics strategy

As you create your metrics strategy, you’ll answer questions such as:

  • Why are you creating each report?
  • Who is looking at each report?
  • What reports are showing the same or similar data?
  • Can you consolidate or delete reports?

To get the basics right, go beyond your comfort level with your current tools. Discover the ways in which you can define thresholds for exception notification, configure and schedule reports, and customize – three of the most valuable reporting capabilities!

Once you’re comfortable with the basics, use a contact center analytics tool for data consolidation and effective data flow from applications to dashboards, scorecards, and contact center reporting. They’re tailored to the environment in which you operate, and they won’t be so complex that they’ll drive you back to spreadsheets.

You’ve made a big investment in contact center tools. It’s time to get the full value from them.

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